Application for 2024 Grant Cycle

Grants for 2024 funding will be due February 1st, 2024. If you have any questions about the application or the process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Hattie at

Once you have submitted your application, you may be asked for financial information for your organization.

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If you do not have a website, please put N/A in the box.
If you would like to send you list as an attachment, please send to
Please state how the grant will be used if awarded. If more space is needed, please email attachments to
Please include qualitative and quantitative measures.
Send quotes received or any other financial information that pertains to your project.
Please explain any connection your project has with the current Community Health Needs Assessment (found at
We are looking to support organizations that are willing to work with other organizations to ensure the grant funds help as many people as possible in Rockbridge County.
Please also state what steps you have taken to raise money for this program.
Please type your name to sign your application.
Please provide a copy of your IRS statement of tax-deductible status to the following email address: