EVALUATION REPORTPlease let us know how the funds we granted were used. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Organization *Project Title *Grant Amount *Report Submitted By *Email *Phone *(###) ###-####Approximately how many individuals were served by this grant in the past year? *What geographical areas were served by your project? *Did your project address a need or a problem intented in your grant application? *What problem or need was addressed?Is the project completed? If no, what is the target date for completion? *Please include qualitative and quantitative measures. Has the project been terminated prior to completion or been changed in any way from its original objective? *If yes, please explain why.Was this project successful? *Please explain. Does your organization plan to continue this project? *If no, please explain. If yes, what additional funding is needed and what are your anticipated funding sources? Please send an attachment accounting how the grant funds were used to director@rchealthfoundation.org. *Attachment sentName *This counts as your signature, ensuring all information in this report is correct to the best of your knowledge.Position within Organization *Date *MM DD YYYYSubmit