Blue Ridge CASA for ChildrenChild Advocacy in Lexington, Rockbridge, and Buena Vista: Increase the number and continuity of health services for children who have suffered the trauma associated with abuse and neglect.
Boxerwood Education AssociationTending our NEST: Funding for program fee subsidies for schools participating in "Project Nurturing Environmental Stewardship Together" (NEST). NEST allows all local children to have opportunities to grow up with years of Boxerwood led, hands on outdoor learning as part of their school day.
Bridge to Hope Food PantryAddressing Food Insecurity: Funds will be used to procure, store, and distribute food to those in our community who suffer from food insecurity.
Campus KitchenBackpack Program: This program provides supplemental weekend food items to students in Rockbridge Co., Lexington, and Buena Vista who may experience "meal gaps" or food insecurity when subsidized school meals are unavailable.
Fellowship of Christian AthletesRockbridge County FCA Power Camp: To help fund and purchase sports equipment for the local FCA Power Camp and for operational costs of the camp.
Greater Rockbridge County Skateboarders CoalitionPortable Skatepark Trailer: This request is to enable skateboarding, skating and biking at Natural Bridge Elementary School for the after-school program and in the Town of Glasgow by moving a portable skatepark between the 2 locations.
Hoofbeats Therapeutic Riding CenterFunds to purchase a horse to serve overweight/obese riders, make arena repairs, pay for daily horse medication, fund scholarships, and buy an AED Defibrillator.
Jaclyn's HopeJaclyn's Hope Health Care Scholarship: Endow a scholarship at Community Foundation for Rockbridge, Bath, and Alleghany in memory of Jacky Hostetter. CFRBA will pay out an annual award of 4% of a 3 year rolling average in a scholarship to a graduate who plans to attend college in the healthcare field.
Rockbridge Area Community ServicesFiscal agent for Live Healthy Rockbridge Kids, Rockbridge Area Prevention Coalition, and the Crisis Intervention Team: Veggie Brigade; Garden to Grow; Youth Summit; Prevention Forum; Mental Health First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid, SafeTALK and ASIST Workshops; Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
Rockbridge Area Conservation CouncilHealthy Green Neighborhoods Collaborative: Long-term goal to create a more livable, healthy community for City of Lexington Residents. Request of start-up funding to help the partnership develop its "Collective Impact" model, identify additional support sources, and advance and implement several modest projects that demonstrate the concept in action.
Rockbridge Area HospiceHealthy Grieving: Funds to increase and strengthen grief support to community members, to normalize grief through increased education, and reduce the risk factors associated with unresolved grief.
Rockbridge Area Recreational OrganizationTimber Frame Pavilion: Funds used to construct a Timber Frame Pavilion at the Brewbaker Athletic Fields.
Rockbridge Area Relief AssociationEmergency Utilities and Heating Fuel Assistance: To provide emergency utilities and heating fuel assistance to individuals and families in Rockbridge County through our HelpLine
Rockbridge Area Transportation SystemDepartment of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) Local Match cost 2023: Each hightop vehicle purchased and provided to RATS through the DRPT in 2023 costs $80,000 of which DRPT will cover 80%. RATS is looking for funds to cover the local match amount
Rockbridge Christmas BasketsPurchase of healthy nonperishable food to be included in food boxes for families in need in Rockbridge County.
Rockbridge Community Church of the NazareneCelebrate Recovery: Funds would be used for Promotional material and signage; workbooks and resources; Online training for leaders; Printing and materials
Rockbridge County High School PTAAfter Prom: A safe substance free event offered immediately following the high school prom on Saturday April 22. This includes music, carnival type rides, a photo booth, and caricature artists on site at MRMS.
Rockbridge RecoveryTraning and Education with Administrative Support: Funds for education to certify volunteers as Certified Peer Recovery Specialists. Funds for educational materials such as curriculum books for our classes. Funds for administrative support.
Rockbridge Recovery- Hope HouseHope House Renovation Project: Renovation on a donated house for Rockbridge Recovery to start a 6 man recovery house for men dealing with addiction to stay clean.
Rockbridge Regional JailIndustries Program: This project helps support a training program for inmates to learn a specific trade or skill set such as carpentry, welding, flooring, plumbing, building and grounds maintenance, and electrical.
Shepherd Program at W&LS.T.A.R. (Sensory-friendly Theater, Arts, and Recreation) Summer Camp: Despite robust educational and extra-curricular program offerings from a variety of local non-profits and businesses in the Rockbridge Area, there remains a significant need for summer camp programming for the neurodivergent youth population.
The Community TablePurchase of Food: The biggest expense for the Community Table is the purchase of nutritious foods in order to prepare our meals. This funding would support 2 months worth of meals
Valley Program for Aging ServicesSenior Transportation Expansion: Funding would be used to purchase a small, all-wheel drive SUV (Ford Escape or similar) to expand the Senior Transportation Program.
Virginia Institute of AutismTechnology Provides Access for Students: The purpose of this grant is to provide access to iPad technology for 10 students at Virginia Institute of Autism (VIA) located in Lexington, VA. This would aid in communication abbilities.
W&L ESOL ProgramESOL Summer Program: Funds would cover expenses associated with 2 principal community partners: Boxerwood Nature Center (host for 3 full days of outdoor education) and Friends of Rockbridge Swimming (provide 6 2 hour swimming lessons and drowning prevention)
Yellow Brick Road Early Learning CenterPotty for Pre-K: To improve the health and safety in the classroom by making renovations; adding a bathroom, sink and cabinetry to 2 Pre-K classrooms